Well today I had time to work on the latest project Beorn. I'm still working on the same vein of The Hobbit as you can see. For those of you unaware of the character Beorn is a "skin-changer" and by night he is a large bear and day he is a man. He lives on bread and honey hence there is a bee hive made of straw as the story describes.
I think it came out well or better than I had expected. I tried to keep it simple as I mentioned in the last post and during this project I used several different gouges including the straight edge to work on the thinner edges. For me, a beginner all over again, it was an ambitious project. But I'm pretty bull headed and will usually try things over my head. This block is another 3 x 5 size.
On another note, I found the most wonderful book for descriptions and techniques. The title is The Printmaking Handbook Simple techniques and step-by-step projects by Louise Woods. There are many ideas including how to create layering, what you can expect from the different gougers and more complicated methods such as etching and lithography. This book gives me food for thought and I'll have to think up another challenge to tackle.
this has turned out really well, LM! it's good to see the original blocks alongside the finished print, too.
Thank you T! :)
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