Wednesday, July 6, 2011

It is now summer time

It's so very hot right now and no where is that more apparent than in the garden. When I arrived home yesterday from a 4 day holiday I was met with drooping heads and wilted arms. The poor flowers in the garden looked as though they were neglected. Even the sunflower by the front door was in need of refreshing water.

With this warm weather comes a new spurt of creativity. I could spend more time in the art room if only I wasn't shuffling kids in two different directions to summer camps. With the husband home there is an extra distraction. Trips to lunches out and side trips to Home Depot takes a chuck out of the day. But I won't complain, keeping busy after a long cold winter is refreshing in itself. As a famous actor once said, "I can sleep when I'm dead."

Today's printing project is still drying. The new endeavor will be on this blog in the next day or two. But for now a reminder of these lemonade and lazy days of summer.

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