Well it's been some time since I finished(?) this landscape however, I thought you'd like to see my feeble attempt at the process. When I started this painting I'd never worked with acrylics before. Having dabbled in oils some years back my painting primarily is with watercolors.
Patience, an online artist inspiration, had mentioned the acrylics don't seem to have the "buttery" quality of oils. Within minutes I understood what she was talking about. Layering is also not the same with acrylics. Though at first I must admit that quality was the first thing I missed about the process. It seems like cheating to cover over paint so completely. But on second thought, it saves money on canvases. If you don't like a painting just cover it up and start again.
As you will see my first attempted at this medium had potential. Though I truly love the sky of this painting the landscape seems dull to me. Inexperience was the culprit. In any case here it is in all it's glory. The painting has no title. Maybe you have a suggestion?
I really like it, especially the sky. You might call it "Hillside Under a Glorious Sky."
I don't like painting with acrylics because of how quickly they dry. I like to blend my colors while they are still wet.
Thank you M! {{hug}} I love the name... I may keep it. :)
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