Saturday, January 7, 2012

Playing with Photoshop

One aspect of my photography I have not challenged is the use of photo manipulation software. I have both Photoshop and Fireworks on my machine and use FW more often just playing around. There's a good cyber friend who has more experience than I using Photoshop and likes to share what she knows. I've been bookmarking all her links she sends and yesterday I decided to take a look at them.

I found one in particular that didn't tax my brain cells to much. In fact, it was so easy I may have to go through my entire stock of ho hum photos to play with them. I suspect that if one thinks of it, there is no photo you can't fix whether it is making the photo look "normal" or making it look really cool.

So here is the photo I choose to play with. This tutorial (the link will be at the bottom of the post) is for merging two or more photos together. Here is the photo I wanted to jazz up. It's rather boring image of a sailboat resting on the banks of a river.

I than took this textured image of celluloid film and merged it with the photo above.

And the results were gratifying. I love how this new image looks as though it was taken with Kodochrome slide film. The colors stand right out and the burned celluloid added character. All in all I was quite pleased with it. And it's very encouraging I can do something fun with Photoshop. My older photographs now may have a chance for a facelift.

If you'd like to try this tutorial here is the link:: How to blend textures in Photoshop

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