Friday, February 17, 2012

Just Doodling Around

As always something old is making a come back. Just recently while looking through Pinterest pins I found a link to a women whose whole uTube channel are her doodling. Now of course I see references to doodling everywhere. I've even seen Etsy shops with doodle art for sale.

Once upon a time I was a big time doodler. While in high school in the 70's the doodler's tool of choice were multicolored Bic Flair felt tip pens. My school notebooks, notes, temporary text book covers, my blue jeans all feel victim to my doodlings.

After working on an acrylic painting (it's been a week now) that I needed to put aside I still felt "arty" and didn't want leave the art room. So I dug in the art closet which houses my and the children's art supplies to find a Crayola sketch pad and found a black Sharpie. After a half an hour I couldn't stand the pen's smell any longer but was able to finish the first doodle I'd done in oh, so many years.

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